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Corporate Law Advisory & Secretarial

A healthy working environment is what every business aspires for. To maintain the same, every business is required to comply with a set of rules and regulations to thrive in the country’s legal environment. A corporate form of business is an artificial entity with a separate legal existence and thus, is bound to comply with special laws and regulations framed in relation to them.

In India, the companies are governed under the Companies Act, 2013, which contains a separate list of legal to do’s to be complied by every company registered in India. Let us see in detail what these compliances are and how does Aplite provide you assurance in relation to the same.

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Under Companies Act, 2013

  • Registration of the New Company, Not-for-Profit Company, Limited Liability.
  • Partnerships (LLP), Change of Name, Change of Objects.
  • Listing and De-listing of Companies.
  • Conversion of a Partnership Firms and LLPs into a Company.
  • Registration of Foreign Company (Branch Office / Liaison Office / Project Office).
  • Corporate Law Litigation.
  • Change of Registered Office (RO).
  • Assisting in preparation of Minutes, Notices, Agenda & Resolutions for Board Meeting, Annual / Extra-Ordinary General Meeting & Committee Meetings.
  • Assisting in preparation of various registers like Register of Member, Register of Transfer, Register of Charges, Register of Director, Register of related party transaction, etc.
  • Assistance in procedural compliance required toward Mergers, Demergers, Acquisition, Amalgamations, Takeover, Slump Sale etc.
  • Assisting in Winding Up/ Closure of Companies in India.

Under SEBI

  • Due Diligence Services.
  • Filing of various forms under.

1. SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers.) Regulations, 1997.
2. SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992.
3. SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

  • Advising on various SEBI Regulations like SEBI Takeover Code, SEBI Insider Trading Regulations, SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2009, SEBI Portfolio Managers Regulations, SEBI Broker Regulations with respect to IPO, Public Issue, Right Issue, Bonus Issue, Preferential Allotment, QIP etc.
  • Obtaining Regulatory Approvals from SEBI / BSE / NSE.
  • Listing and De-listing of companies from Stock Exchanges.
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  • Obtaining Trademarks, Patents and Copyrights.
  • Assistance in Corporate Governance and CSR.
  • Advisory under Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA).
  • Corporate Secretarial Services.
  • Advisory under Labour Laws.
  • Incorporation of Limited Liability Partnerships in India and Abroad.
Aplite’s Edge
We are a firm of Chartered Accountants and Company Secretaries with fast growing fleet and footprints. We offer varied services for clients with different needs and backgrounds. We have established ourselves as a single firm offering all services under the roof at one place. Our team works hard and dedicatedly to deliver seamless experience to you. Punctuality and timeliness are what we abide by.

We understand how difficult it can be to manage your business. Therefore, we work integrally with your team to understand your requirements and meet your expectations. Our experts are genius in their fields with a wide experience and exposure. Thus, we have been always the first choice for any financial service by our clients.

Want more information? email us today at info@apliteadvisors.com

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